Tag Archive : Memphis Investment

Investing In Memphis Real Estate

Memphis Real Estate Investing utilizing shared independent living for those whom are looking for higher returns. Follow the Case Studies here as they develop into Cash Flowing Machines with the benefits of Guaranteed rent. Properties producing 3 times the market rent!… Continue Reading Investing In Memphis Real Estate

Birchdale Property Package

One package available for sale. Has the potential for shared housing. Can produce $1425 per month in cash flow stream.  All paid through non-profit organizations. Check out the numbers here http://flowersandassociates.net/investors-package

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Memphis Real Estate Investing

Two packages available for sale. Both has the potential for shared housing. One property Can produce $1900 per month cash flow stream. The other $1425 per month in cash flow.  All paid through non-profit organizations. Check out the numbers here http://flowersandassociates.net/investors-package

 … Continue Reading Memphis Real Estate Investing

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