Lisa Wise and Nest DC earn over $3 million a year in revenue, but they still work like they’re in a start-up phase.

Why? Because growth mode requires inspiration and excitement.

As part of the How I Did It series, Alex interviews Lisa on this week’s edition of The Property Management Show.

What Has Lisa Learned in the Last 10 Years?

If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not experimenting enough. Alex and Lisa discuss a few of the things that can easily trip up a company in the early stages of growth. Things like:
* Trying to piece together systems like insurance and legal protections when you really need to just invest in expertise from the get-go.
* Complementary Business Units (CBUs) are great if they’re not only designed to make money. They should be used to develop relationships.
* Leveling out can be good. A company that keeps growing isn’t necessarily thriving. It has to be healthy and sustainable growth and not growth for the sake of growing.

Measuring the Growth: From Zero Units to More than 1,000 Units

After discussing what Lisa learned from mistakes and missteps, they discuss how things change operationally and with marketing and branding at every stage of Nest DC’s development. As you know, what works at 50 units won’t work at 500 units.

Check out the full podcast and the corresponding article here: https://fourandhalf.com/how-i-did-it-lisa-wise-property-management-growth/

And, don’t forget to go to http://pmgrowsummit.com to book your tickets for PM Grow Summit. Lisa Wise will be there. You should be, too.

Read more: youtube.com

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