How Remote Can You Go? Running a Virtual Property Management Business Without Sacrificing Service
Have you ever thought about ditching the office?
In this week’s episode of The Property Management Show, Alex answers a question from one of his listeners: Is it possible to run a property management company virtually?
Alex’s guests are Neal Pulanco and Mike Sargent from HomeQwik and yesVIRTUAL, and they say it’s not only possible – it’s better.
Do You Really Need an Office?
You may be spending money on office space that you don’t actually need. After all, you’re probably meeting owners and investors at the properties they own, not in your office. How many tenants actually sit at your desk to talk about the application or move-in process?
When you’re using all the available technology for things like showings, applications, screenings, and leasing, you don’t need an office. If you have excellent systems in place and virtual assistants who answer questions and enter data, you don’t need an office.
How to Succeed Virtually
Alex and his guests discover that if you have these things in place, you can start saving money on office rent:
* A good website that informs and educates.
* Showing technology so you don’t need a leasing agent to show the home.
* Tech-driven software to virtualize the processes from application to leasing.
* Virtual assistants who are well-trained and knowledgeable.
If you’d like to watch the full podcast or read the in-depth discussion, check it out here:
And, contact us at Fourandhalf if you have any questions about marketing or managing your property management company:
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