Scott Fritz started, ran, and sold a company worth $170 million.

He was able to do that by training the business to run without him. So, when he joined Alex on this week’s Property Management Show, he had some questions for listeners like you:

Are you busy or are you productive?
Are you an entrepreneur or a business owner?
Are you doing things you could pay others to do (for less money)?

Make Your Business More Valuable

When your company can run on its own without you, it will be more valuable to potential buyers down the road. They won’t have to replace you or your salary, and they’ll know they’re buying more than a bunch of doors. They’re buying a brilliant business. That’s more valuable than a company that still needs its owner.

Growing, Structuring, and Selling

Scott’s book, The 40-Hour Work Year, is about growing a business, structuring that growth, and moving the owner into a passive role so that the business can be profitably sold. He’ll talk more about this at PM Grow, where he’s delivering a keynote and leading a workshop.

On the podcast, he gives listeners three easy steps to get started right now, even if you haven’t even thought of selling your business yet.

Reading List

There’s a lot of talk about mindset on this podcast, and how it can help or hurt you. There’s also a lot of talk about good reading, and here’s your reading list, starting with Scott’s book:

Scott Fritz’s The 40-Hour Work Week
Michael Gerber’s e-Myth
Greg Crabtree’s Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits
Steven Covey Jr.’s Speed of Trust

For the full transcript, click here: http://fourandhalf.com/the-40-hour-work-year

Read more: youtube.com

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