Week 1- 03/10/2015 Through 03/13/2015


2015-01-17 10.32.49Phase One of 156 S. Parkway E.  Rehab Project is about to began. Starting with demolition. This Project is going to take approximately three weeks to complete if the weather permits. This property is being prepared for maximum cash flow utilizing Shared Independent living.

Flowers and Associates Construction Team members will lead the way in repair and formatting rooms while Media Team  keep you up to date on progress through video and pics.


Week 2 – 03/17/2015 Through 03/23/2015


Week 3 Final – 03/20/2015 Through 04/10/2015



2015-02-03 12.53.15We are in the final week !  A couple of  manner set backs such as weather, extended time on ceilings, and delays on materials. However, we are back on track and finishing up. With mudding, painting and flooring are under way. The team is looking forward to finalizing the details and functionality.

We are going with energy efficient components regarding lights, control gas heaters etc. 110 Plug Window units  will be installed and furnishing delivered.




Case Study


Owner had property listed for 4 months vacant. Tenant had passed away and house was in distress. No activity on house because of railroad tracks next to it. Our task was to get it under contract and sale to buy and hold investor. Our investor lived out of town and was looking for high returns in other states. (cash flowing properties).



Our team spent time evaluating the property to determine what could be the highest return this property would produce. After processing numbers, evaluating current market conditions, and determining the scope of repairs,img070 we came up with a solution. (The Affordable Housing Program) This program will enable a tenant to live afford-ably while giving investor 2 to 3 times market rent. Market Rent $475 per month in this area. Multiply  X 2 beds = $950

Have investor to purchase property, fund repairs while Flowers and Associates Team manages the repairs, install the furniture, and Special Needs Tenants from Non-profit organizations.



2 Bedroom house is now completed with special need tenants producing twice the rent paid by Non-Profits



156 ParkwayThis is a blue print of what the finish product suggest. With tenants installed living as shared housing, this 1 property will produce $950-$1000 in rent paid by Non-profits or individual tenants.

If this is something that may be a good fit for you, then CLICK HERE to go back to Investors Package and enter your name and email and you will have instant access of new listings at there rock bottom prices

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