Monthly Archives: December 2018

Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days

Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days

It’s the end of a year, and before you uncork the champagne and pucker up for your New Year’s kiss, we want you to check out a real treat on The Property Management Show podcast. Alex is joined by Jordan Muela to interview Joey Coleman, who wrote “Never Lose a Customer Again” and also happens to be the keynote speaker for PM Grow Summit 2019.

What Happens After the Sale?

You are probably a lot smarter about sales and marketing than you were two or three years ago. Now, we want you to think about the first 100 days after a sale. Those 100 days will determine whether you keep or lose a customer. You’ll hear Joey talk about what you can do to provide your prospects with an idea of what it will feel like to do bu… Continue Reading Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days

How Remote Can You Go? Running a Virtual Property Management Business Without Sacrificing Service

How Remote Can You Go? Running a Virtual Property Management Business Without Sacrificing Service

Have you ever thought about ditching the office?

In this week’s episode of The Property Management Show, Alex answers a question from one of his listeners: Is it possible to run a property management company virtually?

Alex’s guests are Neal Pulanco and Mike Sargent from HomeQwik and yesVIRTUAL, and they say it’s not only possible – it’s better.

Do You Really Need an Office?

You may be spending money on office space that you don’t actually need. After all, you’re probably meeting owners and investors at the properties they own, not in your office. How many tenants actually sit at your desk to talk about the application or move-in process?

When… Continue Reading How Remote Can You Go? Running a Virtual Property Management Business Without Sacrificing Service

How I Did It Kristin and Shawn Johnson Discuss the Successes and Failures of Independence Capital Pr

Kristin and Shawn Johnson, the owners of Independence Capital Property Management, dropped from 615 to 500 doors on purpose.


Because they realized that not all business is good business. And, it worked. While trimming those doors, their revenues increased by 12 percent.

Alex talks to them about how they did it in this week’s edition of The Property Management Show.

Building a Business: Getting to 100 Units

You’ll learn that while you’re waiting for the phone to ring, you should be doing a few important things:

Investing in property management software.
Developing systems to management property.
Joining and networking through NARPM and similar associations.

Mistakes Were Meant to be Made

Alex talks to Kristin and Shawn about some of the mistakes they made a… Continue Reading How I Did It Kristin and Shawn Johnson Discuss the Successes and Failures of Independence Capital Pr