Daily Archives: August 25, 2018

Podcast – Alex Q&A

What is your company’s purpose? It shouldn’t be profit. That’s an outcome – not a purpose.

What are you spending your revenue on? Are you putting profits in your pocket or re-investing in the business?

These are intriguing questions, and only the tip of Alex Osenenko’s iceberg.

In The Property Management Show’s latest podcast, Alex selects and answers a few questions that are relevant to a lot of property managers who are trying to grow their businesses.

You’ll want to check out this Q&A if you’ve been struggling to grow, if you’re not sure how important it is to invest in sales and marketing, and if you admire the best of the best in property management, and you want to be just like them.

Alex might hurt your feelings. He might … Continue Reading Podcast – Alex Q&A

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