Daily Archives: April 12, 2019

Futurescaping the Property Management Industry with Chris Litster of Buildium

Talking with Chris Litster, the CEO of Buildium, is a great way to see just how similar large companies are to small companies when it comes to growth and success. Everything is simply at a different scale.

Chris joined Alex on The Property Management Show this week, and they broke down what the future of the property management industry looks like.

Property Management is Relationship-Driven and Tech-Enabled

Property management, when it works, is relationship-driven and tech-enabled. Alex and Chris talk about what that means, and how it affects what everyone in the industry should be trying to do: provide a better customer experience.

Property technology is hot right now, but if it’s not backed up by real service that’s genuine, local, and empathetic, it’s not goin… Continue Reading Futurescaping the Property Management Industry with Chris Litster of Buildium

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