What We Can Learn from the Failure of Castle Property Management

How would you grow your property management business with a $3 million investment, and what can we learn from the sudden and surprising failure of Castle Property Management?

These two questions may not sound like they logically go together. But they do, as you’ll learn in this week’s Property Management Show podcast.

You’ll also learn about the warm fuzzies.

Storming the Castle

If you haven’t been following the latest news, Castle Property Management was a VC-backed, technology-first property management company in the Detroit area that endeavored to innovate the property management industry by providing on-demand services through an automated platform.
Sounds like a great idea, so why did they crash and burn car-over-cliff style?

Deconstructing Failure

High Chancellor and Vice Lord (actual titles may be less impressive than they appear) of RentWerx, Brad Larsen, joins Alex on The Property Management Show to trade ideas on why this didn’t work, and what conditions might have led to a more successful outcome.

You don’t want to miss this, because you don’t want to make similar mistakes.

You’ll also want to daydream about what you’d do with over $3 million in financial backing if someone were to be so generous…

Check out the full podcast here, and let us know what you think went wrong.

What We Can Learn from the Failure of Detroit’s Castle Property Management

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